Gudhal Flower (Hibiscus) Plant


  • One of the best attractive flowering plants.
  • Low maintenance plant.
  • Perfect plant for outdoor garden.
  • symbolize the fleeting and beauty of fame or personal glory.
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  • At least five to six hours of sunlight a day is ideal for flowering and plant grow well in direct bright light .


  • The soil should be well drained and rich in organic content for growing Hibiscus plant.


  • Water the plant when the top soil (1-2 inch) in pot feels dry to touch.
  • Do not overwater the plant.
  • Water thoroughly in the summer and reduce watering in winter and rainy season.

Application of Fertilizer

  • During the main growing season (August-December) feed the plant with organic fertilizer once a month.
  • Loosen the topsoil without disturbing the roots of the plant so it can uptake the nutrients and moisture easily.

Plant Protection

  • Remove dead, infected or damaged plant parts and discard them away from the plants.
  • For any insect attack or disease, you can use Neem oil, Eucalyptus oil or Citrus oil spray for primary treatment.


  • Do not overwater the plant.
  • Avoid applying water on flowers and leaves it may cause fungus infection.


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